The original florist has officially cancelled. After many phone calls and emails from me, she finally responded back with a rather short email. She simply stated that she was now pregnant and no longer in the business. Oh really? When exactly were you planning on telling me? When you didn't show up for my wedding. A week prior when my money was actually due? How incredibly professional of THE POSH PETAL to handle it this way. One would think she would honor the contracts they already have, but apparently not. Thank goodness I happen to be anal, and wanted to square everything away early (I have paid all the vendors except the band and the restaurant already).
On Tuesday, Kenny and I are meeting with two potential new florists. One came recommended by Holly (THANK YOU!), and I am pretty sure just by talking to her that she will be the one we go with. The other randomly happens to have done my future-sis-in-law's wedding. I say randomly, because it was five years ago IN ANOTHER CITY. She has since moved to Houston, and opened her business here. I had already contacted her before I discovered pics of sis-in-law on her website.
In the meantime, I started thinking I could just do my own flowers. I actually don't doubt my abilities.
A pomander (my first!) I attempted to make this weekend!
I just doubt my ability to find the time. I don't want to spend my wedding day running around like crazy, so off to the florist we go!
PS My first dress was ruined, my florist has cancelled, what more could go wrong. Did I mention our wedding date is smack dab in the middle of hurricane season?